Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological condition that hampers someone’s ability to socialize and communicate. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, 1 out of 44 children has Autism spectrum disorder.
Here are some common early Signs and Symptoms:-
Social Skills:
Avoiding eye contact
Not interacting or socializing
Not making friends
Avoiding physical contact
Non-verbal cues
Difficulty to be comforted
Difficulty understanding the feelings of others.
Language & Communication:
Repeating words over and over
Delayed Speech
Repeat what others say
Difficulty in answering questions appropriately
Doesn’t point to people or objects
Rarely uses hand gestures
Talks in a flat or sing-song voice
May lack pretend play
Difficulty in understanding jokes or sarcasm
Maladaptive Behaviors:
Repetitive routines & get upset when not allowed to carry them out (such as always wanting to close doors)
Performing repetitive motions
Get frustrated by even the most minor changes in their daily routine
Play with the same toys, the same way every time
Playing with certain parts of objects ( wheels or spinning parts)
Obsessive interests
Hyperactivity or short attention span
When do symptoms of Autism appear?
As early as 18 months is when the first symptoms of autism can be detected. If you perceive some of the aforementioned symptoms are revealing from your child behaviors, it’s time to talk to your doctor.
Intervention in an early stage of life can make a big difference in the child development.